Compatibility and Upgrades

  1. Project File Compatibility
  2. Application Compatibility for Publishing Projects to Cyclone ENTERPRISE
  3. Application Compatibility for Connecting to Projects in Cyclone ENTERPRISE
  4. Upgrading from JetStream Enterprise
  5. Direct Upgrade (no change in Project Storage Locations)
  6. Move Project Storage Locations and Reconnect 



Project File Compatibility


The following file formats can be imported into Cyclone ENTERPRISE.


Note: All version of LGS and JSA files can be imported Cyclone ENTERPRISE.



Application Compatibility for Publishing Projects to Cyclone ENTERPRISE


The following authoring products are compatible with Cyclone ENTERPRISE:


Note: Additional Leica Geosystems, Hexagon, and 3rd Party Partner products will continue to be added to this list as those products receive updates.



Application Compatibility for Connecting to Projects in Cyclone ENTERPRISE


The following CAD, Mesh, and 3rd Party Partner products are compatible with Cyclone ENTERPRISE:


Note: Additional Leica Geosystems, Hexagon, and 3rd Party Partner products will continue to be added to this list as those products receive updates.



Upgrading from JetStream Enterprise


Note: Before proceeding with the below options, you must first uninstall JetStream Enterprise. This will NOT delete your project data. 

Note: JetStream Enterprise & Cyclone ENTERPRISE can NOT run simultaneously on the same machine.



Direct Upgrade (no change in Project Storage Locations)


If you are a current JetStream Enterprise user, Cyclone ENTERPRISE should be able to detect the existing projects.

  1. Uninstall JetStream Enterprise from the system.
  2. Install Cyclone ENTERPRISE on the same system.
  3. During installation, Cyclone ENTERPRISE will detect the previous JetStream Enterprise database and migrate the Project Storage Location information into the Cyclone ENTERPRISE database.
  4. After installation is complete, the Root user can login and navigate to the Admin Tools | Server | Storage Locations.
  5. Root user can use the "Reconnect" feature for each migrated Storage Location to connect the data to the Cyclone ENTERPRISE database and make the Projects available.
  6. All Projects in reconnected storage will be added to the Default Group.
  7. JetStream Enterprise has no concept of Users or Groups; it is therefore recommend any user-access permissions and/or organization of Projects into Groups be conducted at this stage.


Note: It is recommended to first make a backup of your Project data within all Storage Locations before proceeding. Once your JetStream Enterprise projects are "reconnected" to the Cyclone ENTERPRISE database, they will NOT be backwards compatible and cannot be used in JetStream Enterprise again.

Note: The server machine hardware requirements for Cyclone ENTERPRISE are very different from the hardware requirements for JetStream Enterprise. Refer to the section on server hardware requirements to ensure your JetStream Enterprise server can support Cyclone ENTERPRISE.



Move Project Storage Locations and Reconnect 


To move storage location(s) and reconnect follow the steps below:

  1. Define your new Storage Location folder path(s).
  2. Copy existing project data in the old JetStream Enterprise storage locations to the new Storage Location(s) for Cyclone ENTERPRISE.
  3. Install and run Cyclone ENTERPRISE.
  4. Login as the Root user
  5. Navigate to Admin Tools | Server | Storage Locations
  6. Add Storage Location
  7. Choose the new location folders created in Step 1
  8. Use the "Reconnect" tool to reconnect projects copied to the folder in Step 2. You may choose to select individual projects or Select All.


Note: The folder can be on a drive mounted on to the server machine or a NAS drive accessible to the server machine (same as JetStream Enterprise).