Client Machine Requirements

  1. Thin Clients: ViewingTruView LIVE Sessions
  2. Thick Clients: Applications Connecting to Cyclone ENTERPRISE



Thin Clients: ViewingTruView LIVE Sessions


Software Requirements

The following browsers for the listed operating systems are supported:


Note: Always be sure to have the latest version installed.


Hardware Requirements

Leica TruView LIVE is a browser client that is integrated into Cyclone ENTERPRISE. The TruView LIVE rendering is handled on the server, that is why a GPU is required for the Cyclone ENTERPRISE server. On the other hand, the client machine viewing the TruView LIVE does not need a high-performance graphics card. Any reasonable system will be able to handle the TruView LIVE session efficiently. 

TruView LIVE can be accessed from any device including laptops, desktops, tablets, or smartphones that are able to run the supported browsers.  

Network Requirements

It is recommended to ensure the following performance specifications for the network.



Thick Clients: Applications Connecting to Cyclone ENTERPRISE


Hardware Requirements

The client machine requirements for connecting to the Cyclone ENTERPRISE from consuming product such as Leica TruView, CloudWorx plugins for CAD applications, Leica Map360, Cyclone 3DR, Pointfuse, Verity, Rithm, etc., is same as the specification required by the products. The product datasheet or catalog should be referenced for details.


Network Requirements

Local Deployment 

An Intranet connection minimum of 1 Gbps rate (10 Gbps recommended) is needed for network of Thin Clients connecting to Cyclone ENTERPRISE Server. 


Cloud Deployment

It is recommended to ensure the following performance specifications for the network.

  1. Latency: It is recommended to have latency under 25 milliseconds. Lower values are preferred.
  2. Bandwidth: A minimum of 100 Mbps for downstream is recommended. Higher values are preferred.